EMKO Koutelas S.A. | Imports - Catering Equipment

Bonus -4% on NET purchases above 500€
(except transport, cleaning and StockHouse items)
Bonus -3% for cash payments & deposits

Our Team will be on a Summer Break from 12/8/24 till 16/8/24.

Active Price List for commercial equipment and transport items

  • EMKO's 2024 Price List was published on Monday 1/4/24.
  • Important: All changes (prices, canceled items, error corrections) are constantly published on the relevant product pages. We strongly advise you to visit emko.gr before any purchase to confirm the price of any item you are interested in.
  • Alternatively you may call us or use our contact page and ask for an updated offer.
ΕΜΚΟ - Κατάλογος 2024